25 novembro 2009

Engine7 - Me, but perfect

De Glasgow chega Alan McNeil AKA Engine7. Em 2008 lançou o álbum Me, but perfect, que veio carregado de IDM, ambiente e glitch.

"Glasgow's Alan McNeil follows up on the recent 'Tempertantrum' single with this full length for the Herb label, harbouring eleven tracks (that single included) of atmospheric beat-driven electronica. There's a real sense of depth and accomplishment to McNeil's sound, which on pieces like 'Hive Mind' boasts a combination of layered electronics, synth strings and IDM era beats, resulting in an unexpectedly filmic outcome. Much of this album sounds as if it could be soundtrack material in fact, as tracks like 'Path Of Least Resistance' and the Sigur Ros-like 'Goodnight, I Love You' both attest. Within the context of the album, the more rock-tinged 'Tempertantrum' feels like a step in the wrong direction, lacking any of the intricacy and subtlety that characterises Engine 7's better work, but digested as an album in its entirety, Me, But Perfect has much to offer."

Engine7 - Me, but perfect
Me, but perfect download

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