17 novembro 2009

Info - We choose the moon

O terceiro álbum do grego Info dá pelo nome de We choose the moon, e foi lançado no mês passado, pela excelente Klik Records. Info traz na bagagem uma sonoridade que varia entre o downtempo, traços de electro e house, que por vezes chegam a ser minimal. Guitarras melódicas, vozes suaves, elementos cinematográficos e dinamismo rítmico, é o que se pode encontrar neste excelente álbum.

"On the 26th of October 2009 Klik Records in cooperation with vim records presents Info's third album titled, We Choose The Moon. Yeap Info chose the moon. There, they made their small disco/karaoke/studio, they sang their memories from earth and they finished their third album. Their singing is leisured, sometimes deep and dark and others sweet and playful, just like space is supposed to be. They experiment with melodic guitars, house beats, electronica sounds and improvisations from processed vocals. The result is an amazing electronic collage of poetry, melody and dynamic rhythmical explosions that peak and fade in their broad, starry time and space."

Info - We choose the moon

We choose the moon download

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