10 novembro 2009

Jon Kennedy - 14

Do hip-hop ao jazz, do trip-hop à soul, dos traços rock aos estilhaços funk, assim se caracteriza o último álbum do inglês Jon Kennedy. E sobre o LP 14, ficam as linhas seguintes roubadas daqui.

"Jon returns with his 4th Long Player entitled "14" representing the number of tracks contained within.
From hip hop to rock, jazz, soul and breakbeat, "14" is the cleanest piece of work from Mr Kennedy to date. Teaming up with Floridian label Organik Recordings to great effect. With all the characteristic melodies and constructions of Jon's own sound and an injection of the new.

Featuring some new voices in the form of Plymouth, UK based Amie J, legendary rocker and in-house vocalist for Hospital Records - Pat Fulgoni . Jon himself vocalises and of course the vocal genius of Miss Sarah Scott makes an appearance...
Jon has been touring Europe with his LIVE BAND, testing the new tracks in the live arena to great effect. Rocking crowds of 200 to 4000 people at venues and festivals from East to West for the past 12 months. Encore's were demanded and return visits secured. Be sure to look out for Jon's 4 piece live outfit in a town near you!"

Jon Kennedy - I feel the weight

14 download

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