22 novembro 2009

The Brunettes - Paper dolls

Os neozelandeses Jonathan Bree e Heather Mansfield estão de volta com o seu projecto The Brunettes. O seu novo álbum intitula-se Paper dolls e rompe com os anteriores. Agora a sua sonoridade apresenta-se mais electrónica, mais avant-garde e experimental. O resultado é um electro-pop e uma indietrónica viciante. Daqui veio o seguinte:

"There’s always an air of innocence and a dash of danger with The Brunettes, and the play off between Heather and Jonathan remains a powerful, playful force on Paper Dolls. The album’s biggest point of difference is its modern bent.

Paper Dolls is a step away from typical Brunettes fare that’s often oriented toward more cute and copy pop, and is instead more about experimenting with modern technology and ideas. It’s great to hear, as it sounds like they’re stepping out of their comfort zone and having fun while they’re at it."

The Brunettes - Red rollerskates

Paper dolls download

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