23 novembro 2009

Vienna Symphonic Lounge feat. Vienna Symphonic Orchestra - A trip to the core

O projecto Vienna Synphonic Lounge pediu ajuda à Vienna Symphonic Orchestra e resultou o álbum A trip to the core. Martin Böhm e Ludwig Coss pegam em clássicos de Mozart, Beethoven e Joseph Haydn, e juntam-lhe uma dose de electrónica, resultando num downtempo muito tranquilo.

"MG-SOUND “Masterminds“ Martin Böhm & Ludwig Coss invite you on a the trip to the core — with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Come along for this completely new and intimate experience, based on timeless classics. Instead of simply highlighting classical music with cool beats, VSL music explores a sharp and sensitive design to charm lounge aficionados with delay chains and filterflows, but above all to entice traditional classical music lovers.

The musical works on this CD are Fantasias.
Liberated interludes that play with familiar themes. Enjoy them with the curiosity of a child, turn them around in your mind, put them away, and then slowly savor their intrinsic core. These tracks don’t presume to translate the composers’ original intentions into the year 2009 - that would be disrespectful. On the contrary, “I have chosen works whose history of creation isn't familiar enough to me to restrict my imagination, so I could do the things that came to my mind first, go with my first musical instincts. Perhaps comparable to Keith Johnstone's approach to improvisational theater — only with samplers, synthesizers and the incomparable Vienna Symphony Orchestra“, says Ludwig Coss, Composer."

Vienna Symphonic Lounge feat. Vienna Synphonic Orchestra - Another Serenade

A trip to the core download

2 comentários:

ArmPauloFerreira disse...

Desconhecia estes e quase tudo o que por aqui metes. (è por isso que venho cá espreitar!)

Já reparaste como ficam os coemntários agora? Não dá para ler o que lá se deixa... tem de se passar o rato encima...

de Pina disse...

Olá Paulo!
Volta todos os dias porque és sempre bem-vindo :)
Quanto aos comentários, acho que isso acontece porque o fundo é preto. Vou ver se consigo solucionar.

Um abraço

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