20 novembro 2009

Digitata - Discografia

O trio Digitata, vem de Minneapolis e conta na sua formação com os multi-instrumentistas Ryan Olson e Drew Christopherson e com a voz de Maggie Morrison. Este ano lançaram o seu terceiro LP intitulado, Art work pays. Em 2005 estrearam-se com o álbum Sexually transmitted emotions, e em 2007 voltaram à carga com II Daggers. A sua sonoridade tem-se mantido coerente ao longo de todo o seu trabalho. Canções electro-pop, com toques de trip-hop e indie. Deixo mais em baixo os três álbuns para conferir e daqui, sobre o mais recente álbum, as linhas seguintes:

"The driving tension in Digitata's music is between organic and synthetic elements, with Drew Christopherson's drums on one end and Ryan Olson's sequencer, squiggly synth, and loops on the other. Morrison's voice often rises clear above that push-and-pull, occasionally layered through effects to mixed results. When Olson passes Morrison through a fader on "Sawdust City," like a DJ scratching a record, it comes off as gimmicky, but the layers of distancing distortion on the frantic "Leave It Alone" heighten the effect of the breakup tune.

"Weak Teeth," the longest and most textured track on the disc, is a great example of when the tension of the full band works. Olson's beats punctuate Morrison's vocals, and the tune sways between the synthesizers and Morrison's dreamy Wurlitzer chords as Christopherson's drums build to a thunder of low toms, covering a spectrum of sound. Not all the tracks are as compelling, and sometimes the disc feels like only incremental progress from 2005's Sexually Transmitted Emotions and 2007's II Daggers. Despite the plateau, album closer "mbaby" is a sweet song that takes full advantage of Morrison's melody, supported by stripped-down backing. More of those strong production choices, and Art Work Pays could be a killer full-length."

Digitata - Spring Fever
Sexually transmitted emotions download; II Daggers download; Art work pays download

2 comentários:

de Pina disse...

+ links:

Digitata - Sexually Transmitted Emotions (2005)

Digitata - II Daggers (2007)

Digitata - Art Work Pays (2009)

Anónimo disse...

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