05 novembro 2009

Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew - Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew

Quando o projecto South Rakkas Crew tem como ponto de partida o álbum de Tricky, Knowle west boy, o resultado é uma mistura de electro-dancehall com trip-hop e com dub. Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew é um híbrido musical curioso, à qual vale a pena dedicar alguma atenção.

"Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew is a version excursion of ten tracks from Tricky’s ‘Knowle West Boy’, where electro-dancehall collides with Tricky’s whispering ‘sprechgesang’ lyrical style to create a dancehall filler radio killer soundtrack thriller that seems to touch on all the happening urban sounds from around the globe. We’re talking hip-hop, reggae and rock inna dubstep dancehall style that’s left-of-centre pop for the 21st century. As Tricky says: ‘We come in peace and leave you in pieces"

Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew - Joseph

Tricky Meets South Rakkas Crew download

2 comentários:

de Pina disse...

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ArmPauloFerreira disse...

Desconhecia isto. Parece muito interessante realmente. Continua na mesma a ser Tricky...

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