03 novembro 2009

Worm Is Green - Glow

O projecto islandês constituido por Arni Teitur Asgeirsson, Bjarni Thor Hannesson, Thorsteinn Hannesson e Vilberg Hafsteinn Jonsson, voltou este ano com o álbum Glow. Os Worm Is Green continuam a sua saga pela música electrónica baseada no trip-hop e no downtempo com uns toques de electro. Um excelente álbum! As linhas que se seguem foram tiradas daqui.

"Worm Is Green started as the bedroom electronica project of Arni Asgeirsson, who soon enlisted longtime friends from his hometown of Akranes, Iceland (population 5,500) to flesh out his melodic soundscapes. Solidifying into a group, Worm Is Green began recording the songs that would become Automagic, released overseas last year on Iceland's Thule Musik (home of Mum and The Funerals) and now available in the U.S. on The Arena Rock Recording Co."

Worm Is Green - The politician

Glow download

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